Recent Publications (since 2015)
Showing entries 81 - 100 out of 559
Hasko, R., Hasko, O., Strauss, C., & Vyshnevska, S. (2022). MEdOps - Medical Education with Emphasis on Robotics. In N. Shakhovska, S. Chretien, I. Izonin, & J. Campos (Eds.), IDDM 2022 Informatics & Data-Driven Medicine: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Informatics & Data-Driven Medicine (Vol. 3302, pp. 266-271)
Galizzi, G., & Plakoyiannaki, E. (2022). Network (Over)embeddedness in International Business: A Systematic Review and Integrative Framework. In Proceedings of the 48th EIBA Annual Conference 2022
Strauss, C., & Cuzzocrea, A. (2022). Preface. In C. Strauss, A. Cuzzocrea, G. Kotsis, A. M. Tjoa, & I. Khalil (Eds.), Database and Expert Systems Applications: 33rd International Conference, DEXA 2022, Vienna, Austria, August 22–24, 2022, Proceedings, Part I (pp. v-vi). Springer International Publishing.
Makri, K., Leri, I., & Plakoyiannaki, E. (2022). Reshoring: A Multi-disciplinary Literature Review and a Future Research Agenda. In Proceedings of the 36th British Academy of Management (BAM) Conference
Makri, K., Leri, I., & Plakoyiannaki, E. (2022). Reshoring Literature: Analyzing the Past and Present to Predict the Future. In Proceedings of the 48th EIBA Annual Conference
Posch, L., Mladenow, A., & Strauss, C. (2022). Reward-based Crowdfunding: successful signaling from an entrepreneur. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3171, 999-1014.
Boric, S., & Strauss, C. (2022). Systematic Retrieval and Analysis of Heterogenous Online Retail Platform Data to Support Customer Targeting in Gaming Business. In N. Kryvinska, & M. Greguš (Eds.), Developments in Information & Knowledge Management for Business Applications (1 ed., pp. 479-504). Springer International Publishing AG .
Szöcs, I., & Montanari, M. G. (2022). The “Dark Side” of CSR: Brands’ Irresponsible Business Practices and Consumers’ Price Responses. In Proceedings of the EMAC Annual Conference. Budapest
Izonin, I., Tkachenko, R., Shakhovska, N., Ilchyshyn, B., Greguš, M., & Strauss, C. (2022). Towards Data Normalization Task for the Efficient Mining of Medical Data. 480-484. Paper presented at 12th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies (ACIT).
Izonin, I., Ilchyshyn, B., Tkachenko, R., Gregus, M., Shakhovska, N., & Strauss, C. (2022). Towards Data Normalization Task for the Efficient Mining of Medical Data. In 2022 12th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies (pp. 480-484). IEEE.
Boric, S., & Strauss, C. (2022). What turns a Freemium Player into a Paying Player. Journal of Data Intelligence, 3(2), 201-217.
Szöcs, I., & Micevski, M. (2021). Corporate Responsibility as an Effective Marketing Practice for Improving Consumers` Brand Evaluations - Critical Overview, New Insights, and Future Directions. In S. Markovic, C. Sancha, & A. Lindgreen (Eds.), Handbook of Sustainability-Driven Strategy in Practice (pp. 79-93). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Diamantopoulos, A., Matarazzo, M., & Maack, M. (2021). Does Consumer Xenocentrism Encourage Dysfunctional Consumer Behavior? Empirical Evidence on Compulsive Buying and Brand Addiction. Paper presented at European International Business Association Conference, Madrid, Spain.
Bourdin, D., Halkias, G., & Makri, K. (2021). The Compensatory Influences of Country Stereotypes and the Global/Local Nature of Brands: An Extended Framework. Journal of Business Research, 137, 28-38.
Boric, S., Pöcze, F., Strauss, C., & Webler, H. (2021). The Paying Customer – Motivational and Demographic Attributes of Freemium Game Players. 53. 7th International Scientific-Business Conference on Leadership, Innovation, Management and Economics, Graz, Austria.
Diamantopoulos, A., Szöcs, I., Florack, A., Kolbl, Ž., & Egger, M. (2021). The Bond Between Country and Brand Stereotypes: Insights on the Role of Brand Typicality and Utilitarian/Hedonic Nature in Enhancing Stereotype Content Transfer. International Marketing Review, 38(6), 1143-1165.
Diamantopoulos, A., & Milivojevic, D. (2021). Consumer Xenocentrism vs. Consumer Animosity as Counteracting Forces on Purchase Behavior. Paper presented at 2021 AMA Global Marketing SIG Conference, Sizilien, Italy.
Diamantopoulos, A., Matarazzo, M., & Maack, M. (2021). The “Dark Side” of Consumer Xenocentrism: Compulsive Buying and Brand Addiction. Paper presented at 2021 AMA Global Marketing SIG Conference, Sizilien, Italy.
Diamantopoulos, A., Thoumrungronje, A., & Scherer, N. (2021). Consumer Xenocentrism and “Irrational” Consumer Behavior. In Proceedings of the 12th EMAC Regional Conference
Bretthauer, F. A., & Diamantopoulos, A. (2021). Loss Aversion and COO Effects: Experimental Evidence. In Proceedings of the 12th EMAC Regional Conference
Showing entries 81 - 100 out of 559