Showing entries 484 - 486 out of 562
Weitzl, W., Wolfsteiner, E., Wagner, U., & Einwiller, S. (2016). My Friends say: Best Product Ever! The Critical Role of Source Credibility and Product Type for Positive vs. Negative Online Review Influence. In Proceedings of the Global Marketing Conference
Akbari, K. (2016). ÖBB AG - FIT 2015: Kundenorientiert zum Erfolg. In U. Wagner, H. Reisinger, & C. Schwand (Eds.), Fallstudien aus der österreichischen Marketingpraxis 7: Ein Arbeitsbuch zu den Grundzügen des Marketings (Vol. 7, pp. 1 - 11). Facultas.
Sichtmann, C., & Diamantopoulos, A. (2016). Perceived Brand Local Connectedness Vs. Perceived Brand Globalness as Drivers of Consumer-Brand Identification and Purchase Intentions. Paper presented at Global Marketing Conference 2016, Hongkong, China.
Showing entries 484 - 486 out of 562