Showing entries 541 - 543 out of 561
Davvetas, V., & Diamantopoulos, A. (2015). How Product Category Shapes Preferences Towards Global and Local Brands: The Role of Decision Justifiability and Normative Expectations. In Proceedings Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy: Collaboration in Research
Sichtmann, C., & von Selasinsky, M. (2015). Internationalization of Product-Related Services: The Role of Relationship Marketing. In S. Fließ, M. Haase, F. Jacob, & M. Ehret (Eds.), Kundenintegration und Leistungslehre: Integrative Wertschöpfung in Dienstleistungen, Solutions und Entrepreneurship (pp. 355-368). Springer Gabler.
Mladenow, A., Bauer, C., Strauss, C., & Greguš, M. (2015). Location-based crowdsourcing services: a taxonomy of value-co-creation. In E. Gummesson, C. Mele, & F. Polese (Eds.), The 2015 Naples Forum on Service: Service Dominant Logic, Network and Systems Theory and Service Science: Integrating three Perspectives for a New Service Agenda
Showing entries 541 - 543 out of 561