Showing entries 205 - 207 out of 561
Kuzmina, E. M., Klochko, O., Savina, N. B., Yaremko, S. A., Akselrod, R. B., & Strauss, C. (2020). Risk analysis of the Company's activities by means of simulation. In S. W. Pickl, V. Lytvynenko, M. Zharikova, & V. Sherstjuk (Eds.), CITRisk 2020. Computational & Information Technologies for Risk-Informed Systems: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Computational & Information Technologies for Risk-Informed Systems (CITRisk 2020) co-located with XX International scientific and technical conference on Information Technologies in Education and Management (ІТЕМ 2020). Kherson, Ukraine, October 15-16, 2020 (Vol. 2805, pp. 162-174)
Wolfsteiner, E., Garaus, M., Wagner, U., & Girschick, A. (2020). Selfie campaigns as advertising strategy: Mental imagery as driver of participation. In Global Marketing Conference Proceedings 2020
Steiner, E., & Wagner, U. (2020). So close, yet so far? A methodological investigation of the potential of optimal sample sizes for the application of Napping as rapid sensory method in marketing context. In Conference Proceedings for the 49th EMAC Conference
Showing entries 205 - 207 out of 561