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Domuta, A. D., & Strauss, C. (2024). Mobile Banking Behaviour of Austrians and Romanians – The Role of Espoused Cultural Values. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3608, 140-154. https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3608/paper10.pdf
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Strauss, C., Amagasa, T., Manco, G., Kotsis, G., Tjoa, A. M., & Khalil, I. (2024). Preface. in C. Strauss, T. Amagasa, G. Kotsis, A. M. Tjoa, & I. Khalil (Hrsg.), Database and Expert Systems Applications: 35th International Conference, DEXA 2024, Naples, Italy, August 26–28, 2024, Proceedings, Part I (S. v-vii). Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
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