Hearing what isn't said: Measuring facial expressiveness and its impact on customer responses in real-time
- Autor(en)
- Sandra Pauser, Udo Wagner
- Abstrakt
Despite the effectiveness of nonverbal communication, sales research is confronted with the
difficulty of measuring and coding nonverbal messages including facial expressions, gestures
and tone of voice. This study uses an objective approach for capturing a salesperson’s facial
expressions using fully automated algorithms of a facial recognition software and relating it to
customer responses. While being exposed to sales presentations, a continuous measurement
device (program analyzer) captures customers’ reactions in real-time. Initial findings of a large
sample experimental study show that facial expressiveness positively impacts a salesperson’s
charisma, and customer responses, and thus provides noteworthy implications for sales
executives.- Organisation(en)
- Institut für Marketing und International Business
- Publikationsdatum
- 2020
- Peer-reviewed
- Ja
- ÖFOS 2012
- 502020 Marktforschung, 502019 Marketing
- Schlagwörter
- Link zum Portal
- https://ucrisportal.univie.ac.at/de/publications/hearing-what-isnt-said-measuring-facial-expressiveness-and-its-impact-on-customer-responses-in-realtime(a1beafd6-b531-44e2-8134-405d62f09783).html