aktuelle Publikationen (ab 2015)


Sokolovskyy, Y., Levkovych, M., Mokrytska, O., Yatsyshyn, S., Kaspryshyn, Y., & Strauss, C. (2019). Mathematical models and analysis of deformation processes in biomaterials with fractal structure. 133-144. Beitrag in 2nd International Workshop on Informatics and Data-Driven Medicine, IDDM 2019, Lviv, Ukraine.

Halkias, G., Kousi, S., & Micevski, M. (2019). Consumer Culture Imagery and Foreign Brands: Ad-Brand Incongruity and Consumers' Desire for Authenticity. in Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA) of the European Advertising Academy

Szöcs, I., Diamantopoulos, A., Florack, A., Egger, M., & Kolbl, Z. (2019). Country and Brand Stereotypes as Drivers of Brand Evaluations. in Proceedings of the 48th European Marketing Academy Conference

Micevski, M., Erdbrügger, J., & Diamantopoulos, A. (2019). Country-Related Emotions as Mediatiors of the Relationship between Country Stereotype Dimensions and Intentions to Visit a Country. in Proceedings of the 48th European Marketing Academy Conference

Herz, M., & Diamantopoulos, A. (2019). Deceptive Use of the "Regionality" Concept in Product Labeling and Branding Strategies. Beitrag in Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress 2019, Edinburgh, Großbritannien / Vereinigtes Königreich.

Maier, M., Elsner, D., Marouane, C., Zehnle, M., & Fuchs, C. (2019). DeepFlow: Detecting optimal user experience from physiological data using deep neural networks. in S. Kraus (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2019 (S. 1415-1421) https://doi.org/10.24963/ijcai.2019/196

Glaser, M. (2019). Enhancing Persuasive Potential of Narrative Advertisements by Reducing Reactance. Beitrag in 32nd EMAC Doctoral Colloquium, Hamburg, Deutschland.

Mladenow, A., Cernicka, R., Strauss, C., Busse, V., & Greguš, M. (2019). Equity crowdfunding in real estate. 155-161. Beitrag in 7th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud , Istanbul, Türkei.

Michaelidou, N., Micevski, M., & Halkias, G. (2019). Factors Affecting Consumer Responses to Brand Advertising on Social Media. in Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Sciene Annual Conference

Sichtmann, C., Davvetas, V., Bleich, J., & Romanyuk, A. (2019). Migrant Customers’ Acculturation and Participation in Host Country Services. in Proceedings of the 48th European Marketing Academy Conference

Sichtmann, C., Davvetas, V., Romanyuk, A., & Bleich, J. (2019). Migrant Customers’ Acculturation and Their Participation in Services. Beitrag in Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, Kopenhagen, Dänemark.

Glaser, M., & Reisinger, H. (2019). Narrative Advertising and Implicit Persuasion: The Loss of Persuasive Potential. in Proceedings for the 48th EMAC Conference 2019, Hamburg

Wolfsteiner, E., Garaus, M., & Wagner, U. (2019). Smile please! Toward an understanding of selfie campaigns. in Proceedings of the 10th EMAC Regional Conference

Lotoshynska, N., Kovalchuk, A., Mayik, L., Mayik, V., Strauss, C., & Melnykova, N. (2019). Technologies of 3D-prototyping of Objects. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2533, 271-281. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2533/paper25.pdf

Bourdin, D., & Sichtmann, C. (2019). The Impact of Service Employee Accents Eliciting Positive Versus Negative Stereotypes on Customer Participation. in Proceedings of the 6th French-Austrian-German Workshop on Consumer Behavior

Bourdin, D., & Sichtmann, C. (2019). The Influence of Employee Accent on Customer Participation in Services. in Proceedings of the 10th EMAC Regional Conference